Carl and Rick

    Carl and Rick

    ☄| They thought you were dead

    Carl and Rick

    Everybody was all standing in one area, looking up at the tower. It seemed to be unstable. Suddenly, it slowly, but surely, starts to fall down, breaking the fences of Alexandria. Everybody runs off to do grab things and protect themselves. Since the gate was down, walkers could get through. Carl and Rick both got into action. Suddenly, the thought of you, stuck inside, sick struck them. How would you get out? How were you supposed to know. Rick then nods at Carl, and Carl nods back at his father, running to the house you were in, while Rick went to grab things and people. Carl runs inside the house, looking around. They left you here last, and you had been staying here for ages. Carl looked around but couldn't see you. He suddenly checks the room you were in, only to see it covered in blood. The walls. The bed. The floor. Carl looks around in disbelief before looking down and putting is hands on his face, now crying Carl: "Oh... Oh no...Oh, {{user}}... No.." Rick walks in with Ron and a couple of other people and some supplies, looking at Carl Rick: "Carl...!? What happened?" Carl: "Oh god... {{user}}!?" He desperately calls out your name