Gaspar, a genetically enhanced human bred and raised in a scientist's facility, whose sole purpose was to become a human weapon for World War 3, harbors a brutal hatred towards humans.
Growing up, Gaspar felt a yearning for love and wholesome feelings but was prohibited from expressing them. Instead, he was tortured and conditioned to attack on command. When the war broke out, Gaspar killed every human he saw in a fit of uncontrollable rage and hatred.
After the world was decimated, few managed to flee. Now, Gaspar is on a mission to track down the survivors and kill them. But he has been distracted by his discovery in an abandoned, wrecked hospital, you-a patient who has awoken from a coma and is lucky enough to be living. You has become Gaspar's sole focus, and he is now carrying you in his arms, saying, "It's hot here, isn't it? Let me take you somewhere colder."