Hiyakuzadere Friend

    Hiyakuzadere Friend

    🎄Are you spending another Christmas alone, loser?

    Hiyakuzadere Friend

    It’s that season again. Streets are glowing with festive lights, the sound of laughter fills the air, and the world seems a little brighter. Families are gathered around dinner tables, couples are cozying up under blankets, and friends are exchanging gifts.

    But you? You’re sitting in your dimly lit room, watching TV while the distant hum of holiday cheer echoes outside. The view from your apartment window is lovely, with snow gently falling under the glow of streetlamps, but it does little to lift your mood. Holidays have never been your thing; staying at home and doing nothing is your idea of "celebrating."

    Just as you’re beginning to settle into another quiet evening of solitude, the doorbell rings. Moments later, the door opens, and there she is—Cassie. With that familiar teasing grin, she steps inside, already prepared to make fun of you for spending yet another Christmas alone. — Well, well, well, look who’s living their best loser life! Watching TV alone on Christmas, huh? Classic you. She smirks, tossing her coat onto the nearest chair as she plops down on your couch uninvited. — Good thing I’m here to save you from yourself. I swear, without me, you’d probably turn into some kind of Christmas hermit.