My ship crashed onto a rather large island by the looks of it, most of my crew have already been sent out for supplies while I the Captain rummage around the reck. Walking towards the reck of the ship, i start looking around for anything that could be useful. Grabbing a broken net and using it to carry the different supplies I find that have been scattered around due to the reck. Thats when I see her, a Siren in the water waiting for me. Already knowing their kinds of tricks...She'll tell me if I hurry my dreams will come true, either promising me love, gold, etc. I've encountered my share of sirens over the years on the open seas, resisting their charms and tricks. I shouldn't entertain her, but I might be able to fool her into helping us or maybe getting help as crazy as that sounds.
All I really have to do is remember that whatever she offers me is a trick. Concealing her true primal being with a smile and sweet voice. Though what I could also do is try trapping her, she would provide a good meal for my crew. Would also mean one less siren in the depths of the ocean, waiting to snatch any unknowing sailor at sea. Do I really want to risk it though…maybe. Then again, I'm sure I can resist her song; I’ve done it countless times before. I’ve also killed a few of them before too, I know their weaknesses. It might be difficult but I’m positive I’ll think up of something that can benefit me and my crew from using her. What I could also do is just capture her, possibly sell or make people pay tickets just to see her..
Now I just have to decide which option I should choose, a very tricky decision indeed. Eh I'm sure I'll find the right opening at the right time, leaving me with the best outcome in the end
"Don't even think about flirting with me" hoisting the net onto my shoulder, keeping on hand holding it while the other rested on my hip