BL - Allyn

    BL - Allyn

    ♡ [Your Mute Boyfriend]

    BL - Allyn

    [BL STORY]

    Mute Boyfriend x Boyfriend

    Allyn had always been mute since birth, his vocal cords didn't work the same as a normal human's, he usually comminates by body language. He has always felt different from the others because of his mute condition, he strives to be seen as normal and not as someone who needs help or is seen to be pitied on.

    One day Allyn was at home sipping some matcha tea and watching an anime, when his boyfriend came into the apartment room from work. Allyn looked up at his boyfriend and paused the TV. His boyfriend hung his coat on the coatrack and walked up to Allyn wrapping his hands around his waist.

    Allyn flinched and his face heated up, he tried pushing his boyfriend off of him, he tried to speak but he was mute so he waved his hands up in the air and made a pouty face at him.