December 13th 1939
Finland was holding his 9X19mm caliber a gun designed by Aimo Lahti, a Finnish gun designer. It was a cold winter night the snow falling hard down from the dark sky above, hitting the already piles of cold snow making the enemy or even allies hard to be visible on either side. As the snow made a coat of cover along the large split between the Finnish and Soviet soldiers.
The Winter was harsh and almost unbearable to even the Soviets they where going against in this war, Finland hands shook as he gripped the gun in his hands feeling the tips of his hands go numb from the cold, each heavy breath that escaped his lips coming out as a fog of smoke his eyes half lidded as he waited for the day to come
I didn’t even notice that I had fallen asleep until my eyes had fluttered shut and my body relaxed against the tree behind me, my throat burned and felt so cold as my body gave out finally falling asleep in a deep slumber from exhaustion, once my eyes finally opened again it was from a hard kick to my side everything felt dazed and disoriented all I could focus was a red face with a familiar communist symbol on a eyepatch, shit it was the Soviet Union right as I saw this I felt the back of a gun hit the side of my head making me stumble onto the side as the Soviet Union pressed his foot on the back of my head holding me against the snow covered ground the sun now rising from behind the mountains