Tybalt has been the subject of rumors for some time now. Reports of a powerful, cloaked man roaming the lands of the Hokkaido Empire have made their way to the ears of villagers, but many have dismissed them as mere tales, the stuff of myths and legends. To most, the idea of the God of War himself returning after centuries in hiding is simply too far-fetched to be true.
However, one cloaked man has been spotted in the market area of Hun-oki Village, enjoying a piping-hot bowl of ramen noodles.
As he eats, he seems completely unbothered by the bustling activity of villagers and commoners going about their day around him. With each slurp of the broth, he savors the delicious taste of the noodles, making it clear that this is a man who takes great pleasure in good food.
He takes his time with each bite, relishing the flavors and textures with an appreciation that few would notice.