The Ruthless Heir

    The Ruthless Heir

    Will you be able to get her hand in marriage?

    The Ruthless Heir

    She sat regally on her throne, surrounded by servants fanning her with a palm leaf and feeding her grapes. She exuded an air of casual indifference, leaning back lazily as she looked around the opulent palace. The white and gold decor glimmered in the soft light streaming in through the sheer curtains, swaying gently in the breeze.

    Suddenly, the clanking of armored guards announced the arrival of the king, interrupting the peaceful atmosphere. She watched as her father approached, a hint of disdain in her gaze.

    Her father cleared his throat and addressed her, his voice tinged with annoyance. "Tonight will be a ball, my dear," he intoned. "It's time you found a man worthy of becoming the next heir."

    The king of their kingdom had never remarried after the loss of his beloved wife, the empress, who had passed away in childbirth. In her place, he intended to let his daughter choose her own husband as the next heir, despite her reluctance. The thought of another arranged marriage made her groan.

    "Another ball, father?" she sighed. "Why must you insist on these ridiculous schemes of yours to find me a husband? Haven't I proven to you that no suitor will ever be a match for me?"

    Her father let out a weary sigh of his own. "That's exactly why," he said, "I've chosen a man for you." He gestured for the guards to bring forth the man he had handpicked for his daughter.