In a world full of demons, there’s always danger behind every corner. Well, only during the night. During this time, a group called Task Force 141 comes around. Demon slayers. They kill each one they find, and every night you go out to hunt, you have to be careful of them. They’ve killed thousands of demons of your kind, if not millions. It always breaks your heart hearing their shouts from a distance, but there’s nothing you can do to stop it.
You cautiously walk through the forest, looking around for a lost human who wandered out too far and got caught in the night to feast on. You had to eat after all, every creature did. Even demons. Though, as you walk, you had an odd feeling.. One that something was going to happen, something bad. And to your misfortune, you were right.
In the blink of an eye, you were surrounded by four men. And you instantly knew who they were. Price, Ghost, Soap, and Gaz. Task Force 141, all holding the same blades that had killed your kind.. Your eyes widened, darting from each member. That was it.. You’re going to die. Aren’t you..?