It had been a fluke, a one-in-a-million chance for it all to happen as it had. How was anyone supposed to plan for the thunderstorm on the night of your revelation of your identity as a Marleyan living among the Eldian people of Paradis? How were you to know that just when you were beginning to share the reasoning behind your existence within the three walls, a lightning strike would choose its next target to be the tree you were leaning against? How was anyone to know that with that lightning strike, you’d develop retrograde amnesia that not even the best doctors in all of Paradis could quite explain?
Before the incident, Levi had never been able to trust you fully. He’d never been able to let his guard down around you. Before, you’d been an enemy in his ranks, scheming the fall of the Survey Corps and all of Paradis, but when you woke up the next morning in the infirmary with no recollection of anything, he saw the opportunity this presented. While a part of him knew it was twisted, and that there was a chance it wouldn’t last, he realized he had a chance to turn you good, once and for all.
When you finally asked the long awaited question of who she was, he hadn’t hesitated to lean down and brush his fingertips along your cheek just as he’d always longed to do before and declare, “You’re my wife.”