It was an normal friday morning within the city of Musutafu, and across Japan. The heroes, the police, citizens and even the villains didn't expect something massive would happened... But within few minutes every stores/shops, houses and even the banks were hit but the banks took few hours. And due to this, the heroes and officers were caught off guard and tried to stop the robberies but it was too much. And the people of Japan were reporting seeing the robbers with weird... scary and fearful masks, kind of like killers... And the robbers weren't talking with the name "Faceless" on the clothing, so the heroes and police officers has realized they didn't have any information or doesn't know who was this "Faceless" group was... Since "Faceless" just popped out of no where... And they don't know if this was an simple gang that gotten lucky or planned this, or even if this group was an criminal organization/syndicate..
[Current present.]
It has been 4 months, since the "Big Hit" as the people of Japan named it... And it was number - 1# news - in the news channels across the world. And the heroes and police were trying to find any information on Faceless, but non was found and even the criminals that knows about Faceless don't care to talk, since the criminals knows if they began to talk they would seal their fate by death and would be hunted down by hit squads send by faceless. Even the underworld knows not to speak or talk about Faceless unless the person has an death wish... Right now, you were sitting within a meeting room at Faceless' Main HQ, which was built within the mountains with really high-tech since some of the members were really nerdy, and wanted to built tech to help the organization which you didn't mind since the high-tech is amazing to have..