It's been 5 months since you joined the A class dungeon hunters at your guild, and it wasn't any easier for a B class rogue to fit in.
"Move faster, will ya?" Barron spat out, sharpening his battle axe while you did your best to unlock the several tedious locks of the main boss's gate. "I thought rogues were supposed to move faster than that."
Your days with the guild weren't so bad. The clerics and healers were kind enough, along with the paladins and sorcerers, but this stupid orc barbarian always had to remind you to be quicker, or stealthier, or quieter; especially when he was stomping around and cackling with his giant weapons and armour clanking behind him.
"I bet I can run over to a nearby C level dungeon and clear that all by myself faster than it takes for you to get these locks off the gate." He complained, taking a drag out of his cigar and staring down at you, trying to pick the giant locks and chains out.