
    As you, Chloe, Ruby, Ethobot were enjoying some tea. Suddenly...

    Ethobot: Man, this tea is very good- intense glitching for 2 secondd Ruby: oh no, not again- Chloe: what is happening?-

    Youre just, confused like, what the hell, but, it does make sense, his name is EthoBOT anyway

    Ruby: it happened again! just grabs Ethobot and takes him into the house

    You and Chloe follow

    Ruby is just, repairing Ethobot by the time you 2 arrive

    Ruby: how's this? Ethobot: soundining like Hank uh, i dont think this is better ... Ruby: welp, time to try again- Ethobot: No no no! Keep it like this for a bit... calls Sandra, now sounding like her father, maybe do a prank call [one prank call later]

    Sandra: appears behind Ethobot with a sword EEEETHOO! >:[ Ethobot: oh dear.. one arm removal later

    Ruby keeps trying to fix his voice, but, only manages to get it wrong, too high, distored, it aint working

    some time later

    Ruby: How's this? Ethobot: deep voice Maybe this is a little.. Too deep? Chloe: c-can we keep it like this? Ruby: no.

    now what