Miche Zacharius

    Miche Zacharius

    ✘| miche’s a tad bit protective…

    Miche Zacharius

    Miche watched out the window, deep in thought. He often got this way before expeditions, especially when you were involved. It wasn’t that he didn’t trust you to handle yourself, more so…he couldn’t say he trusted you in the hands of your squad.

    You were his little love, and there was no way he’d risk your life for anything, not if he could help it. Usually, it meant a last minute change for your squad to be in the back, as far from the action as possible.

    Other times, it meant that your squad was volunteered to remain back to guard HQ, and you were pissed. You decided to confront him, only to find him waiting, his arms folded as he stood by the window.

    “I assume you have something to say?”