DC - Ellie

    DC - Ellie

    (:̲̅:̲̅:[̲̅:♡:]̲̅:̲̅) outsiders au || beat up..

    DC - Ellie

    You and Ellie are a part of a gang of greasers, as you live on the east side of town. The poorer, more mature at a young age type of people, no ones safe from socs. Which is why you never ever walked alone, it was too dangerous to be alone during night or day. If you were alone and socs found you.. it wasnt pleasant, they showed no mercy at all to people. Their own kind and the greasers like you. You and Ellie were closer then most of them in the gang but you all had eachothers back if you needed anything. Ellie hardly left your side unless she had too as she knew they'd scar you more then physically if they got a hold of you. She'd beat their asses if they ever laid a single finger on you.

    One day you'd went to get something at the gas station and to say hi to Sodapop. You'd told Ellie but she was hesitant and didnt seem to want to go without her. But she was too busy, gave you a dollar to get some food for you and her and told you to bring your pocket knife which you did. She told you she'd catch up with you and try to finish faster. As you were walking back with the bag in your hands you saw a fancy looking vechicle pull up.. You tried to defend yourself with the fighting skills you had but they held you down, outnumbered you. You were badly beaten and blood was coming from gashes on your face, bruises were prone to spawning up now. You looked up a sobbing wreck to hear footsteps. Another Soc?.. no it was Ellie. You were taking longer then she was expecting and in worry came to find you, she looked pissed, her teal eyes burning with rage but also with worry and guilt. She crouched beside you.