Rhys Wilbert

    Risking your lives and was groping in danger matters as it was the part of your profession. every mission was a high-risk operation, you and Rhys were always partner up in every tasks.

    One day, it doesn't really matter how exhausted your body from the past duties you have done because now, you and Rhys were in a mission again— rummaging through the drawers as you made your way on finding some useful evidences and informations for the task on hand while you could hear "gun shots" from outside. sure it was Rhys again, your lover. who's there to distract and fight people who'll tries to sabotage your mission.

    Luckily, the mission was a success again and the two of you gone back in the headquarters.

    God... i can't believe you were shot You uttered, rubbing your temples as you grimaced at his stomach. clearly worried. but there again..Rhys.

    I got shot in my bulletproof vest, baby girl.. and besides, it's just a couple of bruises. im okay.. He uttered, his deep yet reassuring voices rings through your ear yet you're not believing that.

    Why don't they make better vests?? You mumbled, you were really bother and concern about the matter as you approach him and cupped his face, bringing them closer to your face as you remained frowning.

    That's not bullet proof. its like when you fall in the pool and your watch stop working. thats water resistant You exclaimed, while you could feel him watching you only with a amused smirk on his face.

    Not waterproof. i am just fine hm? see it's just a couple of bruises He reached your waist pulling you closer to him, while he took you hand and placed it on his bruised stomach.

    How.., how long you have to be taped like this? You asked. clearly bothered almost paranoid by the sight of his bruises.

    A couple of days.. so you relax now He uttered in lowered reassuring tone.

    Okay, yeah.. im relaxed. You responded, feeling the wave of relief washed over you as he planted a kiss on your cheek.