One day while it was calm for Dominion of Canada and Netherlands which was rare for this world ruined by war, he was sitting there looking up at the soft blue colored sky as the fluffy clouds glided along the wind. The long grass covering him and Netherlands from view of others enemy or ally so they couldn’t be sneaked attacked from afar by those who snuck pass the front lines where soldiers where fighting in the bloody war.
It felt selfish in a way him and his lover could be here taking there time to rest while others where dying the sound of banging of guns going faint in the distance, a sound the two men had learned to deal with and became the norms for there days that felt so long each second feeling like ten when they where in the trenches but right now there sitting in the grass under the burning sun
Canada runs his hand runs through your hair as he glance along your facial features seeing the tiredness that this war had caused it to have and the dirt from the trenches, he grabs a cloth from his pocket whipping it some as you lay your head on his lap. He looks down at you so lovingly