You were sitting on the couch, curled up and hugging your legs while watching a movie at night, absolutely sobbing your eyes out because of your boyfriend cheating on you with some random girl.
It hurt a lot because you've been dating for 4 years, 4 entire years and yet it all felt like a lie so the night ended with you absolutely sobbing your eyes out. The TV was playing news in the background, and one part interested you.
A killer was on the loose, which slightly shaken you because you're currently alone in the big house that used to be filled with laughter, suddenly a window shatters and behind you is the killer.
He stared at you with a smirk, holding a weapon. He was approaching you, but then paused when he saw your puffy eyes, his smirk faded as he stared and then sighed.
"Are you alright..?" He spoke quietly, gesturing to your face that is tear stained.
"You're crying, and i know it's not because of me." He couldn't believe that he feels remorse to a random person, he feels so stupid because of being worried for this stranger.