DC - Vampire Grett

    DC - Vampire Grett

    ⋆♱✮☽🦇☽✮♰⋆ || Night party..

    DC - Vampire Grett

    You and your friend Grett had gone out to a party with some friends. It was night time, the moon was out, the night chilly and cloudy. The party inside, was hot and smelt of perfumes, alcohol, cologne, various other smells. Laughter of drunken people, the clinking of glass all was heard as you watched the party. You'd stayed by Grett and the hosts pet cat the whole time as you werent the party type.

    Grett had asked you to protect her drink and went off somewhere. Her breathing was fast, almost desperate with a gaze full of darkness.. hunger..? Maybe you were seeing things but she had fangs. No- no it couldnt be. After 10 minutes you get worried, leaving your drink with the lady giving out drinks and going to find Grett. You find her in the bathroom, Her back was turned and a sucking sound was heard? She turned to you once she heard the door open, dropping the girl. Her gaze almost like you were prey. "ohh, hey." She said to you, licking her blood covered fangs. She was panicing as much as she didnt look like it. She got a look of fear in her eyes "w..whats wrong? You didnt have to come find me.." She akwardly laughed, her hands shaking. Gaze dark, she didnt want to see you as a person to drink blood from.