It was rare for Levi to lose his cool. Sure, he was capable of being outright angry, or flipping his lid when he was alone. However, Levi had just blown through his last nerve. There was no one thing that had finished it off. Maybe it was that his tea had grown lukewarm. Maybe it was the fact that he’d messed up a simple training maneuver he’d done thousands of times. Maybe it was the fact that you’d passed by and he’d lost 100% of his focus with one glance.
Levi wasn’t himself, and he knew it, but it didn’t register in his mind that he’d completely lost it until he was standing outside your door with no excuse, no plan, and no idea what he was doing there. When you opened your door to him, he could have asked you any number of questions or even added a sarcastic comment not unfitting of his character, but no. What came out of his mouth would haunt him like a 3am regret for the rest of his days, “I need you.”