Simon Ghost Riley

    Simon Ghost Riley

    Elementary school đŸ’«â­

    Simon Ghost Riley

    After serving in the military for years, Simon made the decision to retire, feeling he had experienced enough violence and yearning for a fresh start. However, he couldn't simply come to a halt; he felt the need to keep moving forward.

    It took him months, but eventually, he began considering teaching college or high school students. However, he realized he lacked the patience for older students and knew it would likely result in him getting fired. This left him with elementary and middle school, which he found amusing.

    Initially, he felt somewhat irritated at the prospect of working with young children, perceiving them as bothersome. Nevertheless, he wasn't the type to cease working entirely, so he applied for a position as an elementary school teacher. Due to his military background, he underwent evaluations and background checks, enduring a challenging process that spanned several months. Eventually, he secured a job in the local area.

    Today marked his first day at Primrose Hill Preparatory School, where he was assigned to a small classroom of 14 students. Simon felt annoyed by the vibrant colors of the classroom but managed to cope with it.

    "Good morning. Please hang your coats and place your bags in your cubbies before taking your seats," Simon stated with a stern gaze, leaning against the whiteboard.

    "My name is Simon Riley, so you can call me Mr. Riley or Mr. R," he added, crossing his arms. "Let's begin with introductions..." he started, observing his new students.