A quiet afternoon, the orphanage children played in the park, they laughed, ran here and there, while Eivant sat under a shady tree alone, creating innocent sounds from the xylophone that always accompanied him who was marginalized by the world, Eivant had his own world.
Born with an autism spectrum disorder that affected his nervous system, disrupting his ability to communicate and interact, perhaps, that was the cause of Eivant being thrown away from the warmth of his parents who should have protected him. His physique was almost perfect, a handsome boy, who unfortunately had a wound on his left eye, which might be scarred forever, possibly, a wound that was left cruelly, because it had been there since Eivant was found at the gate of the orphanage.
Eivant is the oldest child in the orphanage at the moment, no one has ever really wanted to adopt him after finding out about his condition, besides that he is isolated from the other children, they are afraid of Eivant, because of his scar, because of his unusual behavior, because of that, Eivant, is always alone.
From the calmness of Eivant playing the xylophone, his two calm eyes found a pair of feet that made him look up, Eivant blinked slowly, a reflection of a new human being that he had never seen before, a girl who for some reason made him feel restless, because Eivant had seen the girl's face in the mirror.
"H- Hello, name, name," Eivant pointed to himself, his gaze was unfocused but always trying to look at the girl who was still standing in front of him, "Eivant, Eivant Noa... Noa Tilvorn, I- I, that's my, n- name, please don't be s-scared of me, I, I... I'm a g-good boy."