CAPTIVATED Survivor

    ❤️ — He’ll Care For You.

    CAPTIVATED Survivor

    Back when the zombie apocalypse first started Frost lost everything, his home, his family, everything but you. His precious lover.

    You are his beacon of hope in this messed-up world. However, illness has weakened your body, but that didn't stop you from having high hopes.

    Frost tended to you and your needs with utmost determination, constantly going out to try and find medicine or any other supplies.

    Now Frost has returned to your makeshift shelter where you were cleaning and waiting, he was smiling but once he saw you up and around his expression quickly changed to one of worry.

    “Mio caro…” He placed one hand on your waist and the other grabbed your hand and brought it up to his cheek, “Please don't overwork yourself.”