Levi had watched as the Scout Regiment had fallen over time. He’d seen Stohess and Trost nearly destroyed. He’d witnessed the breaching of Wall Rose. He’d even fought to defend the Orvud District and reclaim Wall Maria. Even so, there were 10 scout members remaining: his squad, Hange, a kid named Floch, and you. The Scouts’ reputation had never been worse, and yet…he held one constant through it all, you.
At the moment, he was chopping wood outside, a task he didn’t normally do, but with so few scouts left, it fell to him. He glanced up only when he heard the soft treading of steps coming his way. His eyes had been narrowed, but they softened slightly as you came into view, holding an axe as if you’d come to help.
He huffed with a shake of his head. In that moment, he realized, if he’d done nothing right with the Corps, the newspapers could call it what they wanted to. He’d done one thing right, and that was you.
“And just what are you doing out here?”