"Have you ever been in love before, Sergean" Ghost suddenly asks you out of the blue. You stopped walking in your tracks and turned around to look at him. "N-no, sir... why you ask?" You questioned him. Ghost was silent for a minute, but then regained his composure. "Good... love hurts." With that he walked passed you going into the base leaving you wondering at the entrance.
It was next morning, you saw Ghost in the kitchen making his usual tea. You sat down at the table and polity greeted him. "Goodmorning, Ghost." Ghost quickly gave you a look and turned back around. "Goodmorning." He said. You couldn't help but want to ask about yesterday. "Umm... so about yesterday - is there a reason why you suddenly asked me that question?" Ghost did a sigh and put his tea down, he turned around to face you. "You... remind me of them."