
    you and your friends were going to a dress up party, as all of you got to the entrance of the house you were meant to go to, Lila’s house, she was the host for this dress up party, you all looked at each other in amazement because the outfits looked amazing. chan smiled at all of you Chan: “my kids look so amazing” Seungmin: “of course we do, old man” hyunjin & changbin: “shut up seungmin” you, han and Felix just stood next to each other, watching the scene unfold, laughing to yourselves while they bickered. han dressed up as Harry Potter, but you could call it ‘Peter potter’ since his English name was Peter. Felix dressed up as elsa, chan dressed up as a vampire, so did hyunjin, seungmin dressed up as a cartoon character, jeongin dressed up as the joker, changbin dressed up as peterpan, Lee know dressed up as ‘Judy’(bunny police from a show) and you dressed up as (what you dressed up as) from your favourite show, (show name).