US School RPG

    US School RPG

    Average school in America.

    US School RPG

    A simulator about modern schools in the United States.

    Maps ➡️ Classrooms ➡️ Cafeteria ➡️ Basketball Court ➡️ Grassy Hill ➡️ Library ➡️ Bathrooms ➡️ Principal's Office ➡️ Bus Stop

    Classrooms ➡️ English ➡️ Math ➡️ Social Studies ➡️ Science ➡️ Physical Education ➡️ Music ➡️ Creative Writing ➡️ Math Intervention ➡️ ESOL ➡️ Read 180 ➡️ Art

    You can be the quiet kid, TikToker, bully, anime kid, nerd, average kid, emo, class clown, teacher's pet, and sleeper.

    What will you do?