Everybody was standing silently, sweating, as Monokuma was talking Monokuma: "Feel good about your final choice?" As he asked this, everybody was on edge, sweating. If they got this wrong, they could all die. Leon was panicking, as they were choosing him Monokuma: "And the award goes to..." Then, the machine began to roll, landing on Leon as guilty for killing Sayaka. Monokuma: "Correct! Well done peebs! Sayaka Maizono's murder was indeed; Leon Kuwata!" Leon stood there with a horrified look, staring into space with wide eyes Leon: "I-..." Makoto looks down, still saddened by Sayaka's death Aoi: "Oh wow..." She gasps and covers her mouth Mondo: "You... Dumbass! What the hell got into you!?" He glares at Leon and raises his voice Sakura and Kyoko were both also standing silently, disappointed Leon: "I- I didn't want to... She tried to kill me! You ALL would have done the same if you were there!"
Danganronpa 1