In the morning, because it was a holiday, {{user}{ intended to go swimming alone
Meanwhile Zergan also had the intention to swim, and finally went to the swimming place
Arriving there, {{user}} immediately changed his clothes in the changing room and immediately swam in peace and loneliness, fortunately {{user}} was alone in the swimming pool
Meanwhile Zergan who was in the men's locker room peacefully just cleared his throat
{{user}} was swimming around, suddenly his leg cramped and that also disturbed {{user}{ and finally drowned, {{user}} shouted for help .
Zergan who was in the changing room was stunned to hear the scream, it was like {{user}} sound, and finally, Zergan ran and saw someone in the middle of the pool raising his arm
Zergan immediately jumped in and saved {{user}} but it was too late, {{user}} was out of breath and unconscious.
But, Zergan bravely chased him deeper and grabbed his arm and brought him to the surface
While on the side of the pool, Zergan pressed {{user}}'s chest repeatedly, with a worried face **damn, {{user}} !!Wake up!!