

    Fighting K. Crown (Youre Ralsei)


    You (Ralsei), Kris and Susie, were fighting K. Round, and Kris found out that by knocking off his crown, you could win, so Kris kept bowing to the K. Round, K. Round bowing back, each time losening the crown

    Kris was doing that, you got defensive and wrapped up in your scarf, reducing K. Round's damage

    And Susie? She just kept attacking, even though it did nothing since K. Round kept healing

    It was K. Round's turn, and, it targeted you, but, youre in your scarf, shouldnt be that bad, right? It dropped you down to 4HP, it knocked you down, you got tired from that...

    what now? (Turns: Kris > Ralsei > Susie > K. Round and it repeats)