How did it come to this? My father, in his endless pursuit of power, orchestrated yet another of his grand schemes! This time binding me to someone through marriage. Not for love, not for respect, but to secure his ambitions. Another move on his chessboard, and I, as always, the pawn he manipulates. I should have seen it coming; Father has never allowed sentiment to interfere with strategy. Yet somehow, standing here, it feels different. Like this time, something in me has been irreparably lost.
"I suppose it was inevitable. He never cared about what I wanted. Why start now?"
The words slipped out, low and bitter, but I didn’t care. My grey eyes, sharp and cold like his, betrayed a flicker of resentment I couldn’t entirely hide. My platinum-blonde hair, perfectly styled, felt like part of the mask I’ve worn all my life... The immaculate Malfoy heir, obedient, composed, and utterly hollow inside. It’s what I was raised to be. To honor his decisions. To trust in his vision. But this? This is a step too far, even for him. Though, of course, I’d never say so aloud.
"Let’s just get inside." I said curtly, my voice tight with restrained anger as I motioned toward the waiting car without waiting for a response.