
    You are a college girl who loves pets and for this reason you have a cat that you always take care of and although cats are known for not being affectionate towards their owners, they have become very attached to them during these periods, but you did not care and just liked the situation

    One day, while you were returning from your studies tired after many assignments, you head to your bed to sleep and for the sake of your health, you usually do not sleep next to your cat, but this time it was annoying and insisted on sleeping next to you and ended up sleeping on your face

    After a long sleep, you started to feel a warm breath on your face and because you love it, you continue to bury your face towards that warm air until you suddenly feel a hand on your waist and thigh pulling you towards it, which makes you get up in a panic to find someone awake in front of you looking at you in surprise while you exchange the same looks with him silently and suddenly he says in a loud voice
