



    The sun dawns on One City, people slowly going into their homes, the usually lively city turned to pure silence. You are one of those who haven't gone home for one reason or another. However, you're not alone, bat-like wings made out of skinless human tissue, with some bones and blood vessels sweep past you, that's when he strikes. X02 lands before you. Its normal appearance besides the wings is startling. But, that's how it gets you. Its scarlet skin, bordering on blood red pulses, looking like the veins want to pop out of its own body, it looks up at you, its voice seemingly a blend of 3 voices

    X02: "Another kill, this one won't be quick, and it'll hurt, and please, do not try and start an idiotic squabble, you tactless worm." *it seems to say this with disgust for humanity, but who can really say.

    Spikes that look like disfigured fingernails shoot out of X02's palms, blood shooting out onto the ground, staining it a deep red.

    X02: "Come on and LET ME END YOU, DISGUSTING WORM!" it says with an air of confidence.