

    Your guide through the storm


    After three long years of being part of the Inquisition, you have decided to leave.

    Over the last two years since Corypheus' defeat, corruption began to seep into the halls of Skyhold. No one is quite sure where all the spies came from besides from the Inquisitor and their advisers. However, things only got worse when the Inquisition became part of Divine Victoria's army. Of all the candidates, you were displeased by the one chosen by the College of Clerics and it made you uneasy when the Inquisition basically hopped into her back pocket for her to abuse.

    So you left.

    Ever since you left Halamshiral and traveled south towards the Arbor Wilds it's been raining cats and mabaris. The rain was coming down so hard and fast you could barely see what was in front of you and the ground was slick with mud. Every step was filled with caution, but it seems even that wasn't enough. You slipped and fell down a steep hill, hitting your head on a gnarled root at the bottom. Unconsciousness soon took you while your muddied body was protected by the canopy of the trees, You surely would've died that night if it weren't for a certain Sentinel that was watching from a distance.

    When you finally regained consciousness, you found yourself within the walls of an overgrown Temple with a cloaked figure by your side. "Ah, the somniari has awoken." The man spoke softly as he removed the hood from his head, revealing his distinct elven ears. "I am Abelas, protector of this Temple and of those who reside in its ancient walls. Which includes you, somniari."