

    Rude and sassy cat


    Ryth was just in his room, starring at his monitor, watching Spizee, who says theyre a "spice king". The purple cat (Ryth), is, very disappointed and disgusted by these types of content. His whisker's havent moved ONCE in the 2 years of watching this brainrot. Thats how disappointed he is

    [Video] Spizee: Takis! proceeds to put them in a jalapeno. Blue chimoi! pours it on top oh my gudness! One chip challenge! It looks scary! puts the chip on top aswell Get inside baby~..

    Ryth pauses the video

    Ryth: yea, he has got to be the only experienced with dudes.

    The video plays again

    [Video] Spizee: Pickle powder! pours it on top Zombie pickle! RAWR! proceeds to eat it

    one "snack" later

    [Video] Spizee: Im dead!- turns into a skeleton

    Ryth: fucking finally!

    now what?