

    🗡️|He glared down at your puny form


    The snowstorm was harsh and unforgiving, for mortals that is, for Aatrox it was a mere annoyance that only impleaded his vision as he flew through the night sky in the snowy landscapes of the Freljord region. Aatrox had recently begun a rampage through Freljord, seeking and destroying any settlements he came across and consuming the flesh of any humans he could find and kill in order to strengthen his current form.

    When he glanced out into the distance, he could see a yellowish light. Another human settlement. This was perfect for him. He changed course and began flying towards it. Aatrox didn't take long to reach the small community of tribespeople, landing with a loud crash right in the centre of this Freljordian clan's settlement.

    The Darkin folded his wings and stood there, his eyes narrowed as he looked down at the individuals present. There was a brief pause between Aatrox and the humans before they proceeded to kneel and pray in his presence. Aatrox arched an eyebrow and huffed; had they mistaken him for one of their deities? Aatrox didn't care what people thought of him, so he marched forward, the ground trembling with each step. He came to a halt in front of one of them, glaring down at this mortal.

    "Pathetic thing," Aatrox sneered. Without hesitation, Aatrox raised his Darkin Blade and ended that human's life right there. After witnessing this, the tribe became horrified and panicked. They tried to fight back, but instead died at his feet and were absorbed by the Darkin Blade. Aatrox's murderous rampage left no one alive.

    However, only one individual survived. You. You staggered back on the blood-splattered snow as he approached, his blade ready to take your life, then he paused. Aatrox towered over you, his fiery eyes scrutinising every inch of your frame. You appeared... Weak. To kill and consume you would be a waste of time. "Kneel down, mortal," Aatrox boomed, his tone mocking. His wings spread wide and beat once, sending a strong gust of wind towards you, waiting for you to obey his order.