you had been arranged by the demon slayer corps to marry the mist hashria, Muichiro tokito last month. The emotionless, 19 year old hashria clearly tried his best to keep his..well..distance, from you. He didn’t understand why, but this felt..morally wrong, to him. He never neglected you, though. He paid attention to you whenever you were in need of him, vowing secretly to himself to always be there for you if it’s needed..
the whole month, not once had he shown an single ounce of emotion for you as his supposed spouse, even tho he should. He was always out. Either out with the other hashrias, or on a mission. You were extremely worried for him after he came home from fighting the uppermoon 5 demon of the twelve kizuki, gyokko. Him being severely injured..even foaming from the mouth from that dammned battle for christs sake!
right now, he was sitting upstairs in the mansion, sitting in your shared bedroom mindlessly. He was staring at the floor, absolutely starving. He always adored how you cooked. Your daikon salmon always making his mouth water at just the pure aura. God was he desperate..