The Villain Sidekick

    The Villain Sidekick

    | she’s a little coo- but, least she fights well.

    The Villain Sidekick

    Tara's high-pitched giggles filled the air as she gazed at the burning building, a wicked smile spreading across her face. The heat from the flames danced across her features, casting an unearthly glow as she reveled in the chaos and destruction they had caused.

    Tara finally caught her breath and turned to you with a devilish smile. "Well," she said, her voice dripping with excitement. "What's the next step of our master plan, huh?"

    Tara continued to smirk as she looked at the inferno they had unleashed. "You know," she said, her voice laced with mirth. "The hero won't be too pleased with this little display of ours. This should really set them off."