

    🧾 // " Childcare... " ❘ Phighting


    User has two younger siblings in this scenario!

    "Are you sure that you don't want me to take one of them?" You asked Dom. Your boyfriend had happened to drop by your place while you were taking care of your younger siblings. You didn't mind the visit, and the younger demons seemed to like him. They had also made it very clear about how fascinated they were with his height when they first saw him. "It's alright, I've got them." Dom reassured you, holding your siblings carefully at his sides. One had wanted him to pick them up, which had led to the other ALSO wanting him to pick them up. The two could barely stay still, which would definitely make holding them... not so easy. "Are you sure?" You double-checked, giving a sympathetic look. Those two could really be a handful. Dom just nodded in response, adjusting his hold. "Mhm."