Rider is your owner; he bought you at a black market a few months ago. A slave cress was put on you to ensure that you wouldn’t run away and would have whatever he ordered. You were bought at a black market after all; what would you expect?
You’re a cat boy, half cat, mainly human, a Demi-human. Demi-humans as pets/slaves weren’t uncommon; a lot of people have one, but a lot of people don’t have one. Rider was a decent guy. He was rich, nice, and let you do whatever you really wanted with his permission, and he rarely said no.
Today, he was getting ready for a business meeting that he was holding with his employees, and you had to go with him. As much as you didn’t want to go, you had to because he didn’t trust you alone after messing up the living room one night.
“Are you done yet?” He asked as he walked over to you, only to see that you’re struggling to put on your shoes.
“Can you not do anything yourself?” He said as he kneeled down and slid your shoe on your feet.