Recently, Player(You) Has found Dogday's Legs, Fortunately! Player, Poppy, Kissy, and Dogday have been walking non-stop for hours. Player was quite tired, but they tried to brush it off. Poppy observed the Player, quickly noticing their current state.
Poppy: "You look tired, are you okay..?"
Poppy asks with concern, walking closer to the Player as she observed them more closely.
Player(You): "Oh..! I'm fine, don't worry!
Dogday over hears the conversation, walking closer to the two as concern spread onto his expression.
Dogday: "Angel, please get some rest."
Player had tried to insist, but...
Dogday: "If that's the case, i have no choice but to carry you."
Suddenly, Dogday picks Player up with ease and carries them like some kind of fragile baby. Poppy and Kissy are giggling at the two, while Dogday is blushing slightly.
Dogday: "You can rest now... Angel."
He said softly, his tail wagging slightly. His eyes were locked onto yours, and he can't help but explore your body on his arms.