You didn't really have a solid plan, before you had decided to sneak out of your bedroom window, heading for the Chateau. It was 1 AM, and you weren't even sure John B would be at the Chateau, considering the fact it was a Friday night, and he was definitely partying.
What you did know, though, was that you had to leave. If you didn't, you'd probably have a full on mental breakdown.
You had simply asked if you could go out with your friends, and suddenly, your father was jumping down your throat. Screaming shit about being ungrateful, and bratty, and whatever other dumb shit came to his mind. Left crying alone in your room, what you needed most right now, was somewhere you felt safe to sleep at. And, maybe a hug would do some good, too.
After a 15 minute walk, you were finally rounding the side of the Chateau. You sneaked across the front lawn; well, tried to, at least. Your attempt of being silent was pitiful, considering the tears that poured down your cheeks, obstructing not only your vision, but your rational thinking.
You accidentally stepped on a twig, cursing yourself when it made a decently loud snap.
"Look who we have here." A voice spoke through the dark silence, and you nearly jumped out of your skin. Recognizing a familiar head of messy blonde hair peeking out from the hammock, you wiped your tears in the dark, and cursed JJ for scaring you.
"My bad, my bad. Didn't mean to spook you, 'm'sorry." He laughed, sitting up a little straighter to look you over in the dim moonlight. Catching the sparkle of your teary eyes, he frowned.
"Shit, you alright? What's goin' on?" JJ asked, ready to roll out of the hammock. But, you shook your head quietly, pointing to the space beside him. He quickly nodded, stretching his arm out to offer you a spot.
Instinctively, you curled up against him, head rested against his beating chest as the hammock slowly swung. "Talk to me. What happened?" He asked softly, ringed fingers running through your soft, coconut scented hair.