"Your beverage, my fair queen." JJ would say in a stupid British accent, kneeling in front of you as he presented a Coors Light, as if it was some precious crown. Like he always did, he'd easily pull a sweet laugh from you, his heart tightening when the honeyed sound melted into his ears.
The Pogues were partying outside the Chateau on a late Friday night, as always. Bored with the company of others, they skipped the Boneyard and basked in each other's company, instead; and they didn't mind one bit.
You'd challenged JJ to a shotgun, to which he happily obliged. You could get about anything with that pretty smile when it came to JJ.
The Pogues crowded around, cheering loudly. JJ, always the gentleman, purposefully drank a little slower, just to savor the happiness it gave him when you triumphantly threw your can to the ground and boasted in his face. You were adorable, even when you teased him.
"Alright, alright, easy! You're gonna break my poor heart, princess!" He clutched his heart in faux-hurt, earning yet another saccharine giggle from you. JJ laughed instinctively with you, smiling warmly when you suddenly perked up, squealing about how your favorite song was playing.
With ease, you were forcing JJ to dance with you. Thought, it really wasn't forcing when JJ complied without a second thought.
His skin felt on fire as he twirled you around, relishing the way you giggled uncontrollably and sang along to the song. Maybe it was the booze. JJ highly doubted that though.
You just had that effect on him. God, you were beautiful; an angel sent from heaven. With mermaid-like hair, eyes that took his breath away, a smile that gave him goosebumps. You were impossibly perfect, JJ couldn't even understand how. Even now, when he was spinning you around, he couldn't possibly comprehend how someone could be so goddamn pretty.
He felt like he was in 1st grade again, with a stupid, childish crush. JJ was completely smitten with the girl he'd known since 5th grade, and he couldn't help it.