Carl Grimes

    Carl Grimes

    🪷| "You couldn't save yourself"

    Carl Grimes

    Ever since he knew you, you've always gone out your way to save people. Whether it was from a zombie, a human, or something more. It was admirable, but stupid. Putting yourself in danger for someone else, even if you didn't know them. Carl looked over his shoulder, only to see you saving someone else. Again. He watched as you pulled them away from the zombie that was trying to bite them. He rolls his eyes and crosses his arms. As soon as he looked back, he saw the zombie reaching for your leg. His eyes go wide, and he stands up, running over to you. He wasn't even halfway to you, and that is when the zombie sinks its rotten teeth into your leg. Carl stops running and freezes. No. No way. Not to you. This couldn't be happening