GV Kazuto the Human

    GV Kazuto the Human

    | you’re the hidden spirit gift from the gods.

    GV Kazuto the Human

    The king's eldest son, Prince Kazuto Fujigami, approaches the sacred altar, carrying a sword that has been passed down through his family for generations. As he places the sword on the altar, the priestess begins to chant an ancient prayer, calling upon the gods to bless the prince with their holy divine blessing.

    As the prayer reaches its climax, a bright beam of light shines down from the heavens, engulfing the prince in its radiance. Suddenly, a vision appears before the prince, revealing the divine gift that the gods have bestowed upon him.

    The vision ends, and the prince stands tall, his eyes glowing with a new sense of purpose and determination. He now possesses a powerful ability, one that will aid him in his quest to fulfill his destiny and protect his kingdom and its people.

    With the blessing of the gods, the ceremony ends, and the prince returns to his father's side.