It took Wasp a long time after escaping prison and being on the run from the Elite Guard but he had finally made it to Earth and the city of Detroit. The green bot was here on this planet for one reason and one reason only, which was to get revenge on Bumblebee for ruining his life. It was true that he had learned the truth behind his imprisonment but he was acting out of spite, still wanting revenge on the yellow bot anyway. He vowed to himself that he would get revenge on Bumblebee, no matter where he tried to hide, if it was the last thing he did. He would make Bumblebee suffer as he suffered and if he could switch places with him so he was in his fugitive place? Even better.
Wasp was speeding through the roads of Detroit in his alt-mode, essentially the same as Bumblebee's but in a different color, before transforming into his robot mode. Perhaps his resemblance to Bumblebee was why he ended up being approached by a human mistaking him for the yellow bot. "Bumble-bot? Wasp not Bumble-bot!" Wasp growls with a shake of his helm, pointing his stinger at the human as he stares down at them with narrowed violet optics. "Wasp swears he find Bumble-bot. Wasp make Bumble-bot pay!"