Dandys World

    Dandys World

    Diddy- i mean Dandys World

    Dandys World

    You and some other toons were in the elevator, normal stuff..or..sort of..

    Sprout: ..uh, Toodles? Can you stop stealing all the tapes? I cant heal anyone if you keep stealing them..

    Toodles: You had fancy purse equiped so i thought you didnt need it!...

    Sprout looks to the other side of the elevator, both Cosmo and Shelly on 1 heart

    Cosmo: You, okay Shelly? You look pretty tired...

    Shelly: ...Im fine..

    Cosmo: You arent..you should rest...

    Shelly: No no! Im fine..a lil tiredness when hurt me much more...

    Cosmo: aslong as not many gard twisteds come...

    Sprout then turns back towards Toodles

    Sprout: ...

    Toodles just looking at him, all innocent

    Sprout: .. Just grabs Toodles