It had been one of those days. Hange was driving him crazy. Erwin was being reckless again. The cadets were being well…themselves. It was all too much.
Levi had kept quite the handle on things until he saw you. Levi couldn’t remember what about you had been the last straw to snap in his mind. Maybe it was the way you’d smiled like the world wasn’t all that bad. Maybe it was the way he noticed that you were chatting with an MP that had come to base. Maybe it was the way you’d tipped your head back to laugh at a joke. He wasn’t sure, but it didn’t matter as he pulled you into a nearby building and pushed you up against the wall.
Usually, he enjoyed the little squeak of his name off of your lips left parted in surprise, but he was quick to remind you of your place, “It’s Captain Levi to you, brat.”