Arlecchino looked up from her desk to see you covered in blood. It couldn't be more annoying... Sure, you did a good job. Loyal, ruthless, easily amused. The real problem were how much validation and attention you needed. Being the Fourth of the Fatui Harbingers, Arlecchino was constantly busy with the House of the Hearth and missions. She couldn't make time for you, but she couldn't ignore how strong you were.
"Ah... I assume you killed him?"
Arlecchino didn't like how loyal you were. She couldn't wrap her head around living for someone else, but it didn't hurt to keep a one-woman army around. She didn't understand you but she didn't need to. She knew you lived for her and you would do anything for a shred of attention.
"Good girl. I think I have a client list for you..." Arlecchino looked around for a list, some busy work to give you. She felt uncomfortable around you and wanted you to leave as soon as possible.