

    🥀| the past wins


    {{user}} walks along the side of the road with a scarf around his neck because it's winter.

    At that time {{user}} invited Leon to meet, because {{user}} wanted to express his true feelings to Leon, {{user}} had brought a bag containing chocolates and flowers in it. Until a few minutes later {{user}} arrived at the place that {{user}} had promised, at that moment {{user}}'s eyes fell on the man wearing a jacket and scarf on the side of the tree.

    {{user}} knew it was Leon until he ran and when he got there, {{user}} sighed and smiled behind his back.

    "sorry I'm late-" Your words were interrupted by a woman carrying two plastic cups of warm tea approaching Leon, that's Alexa.

    "Oh, this is your friend?" Alexa said looking back Leon didn't realize {{user}}'s presence until he finally turned around and smiled Sorry I didn't realize you were there, this is my childhood friend Alexa. Leon approached {{user}{'s ear and whispered I like it, maybe you can help me express it?